How To Lay Bark Chips For Play Areas

How To Lay Bark Chips For Play Areas

Bark has always been a hugely popular surface material for playground areas. With this laid across your playground surface, you’ll benefit from excellent durability to all weather conditions, and also lay the foundations for a pleasant aesthetic. If you’re looking to create a brand new play area for children over the summer months, we have explained the simplest way you can lay down this particular aggregate

Work Out Quantities & Measurements 

Before work gets underway, it’s important to accurately measure the precise space you need to be laid, and from there, calculate the quantity of bark you need to complete your project. Getting the exact amount delivered will ensure you’re never overspending unnecessarily, so we have a quantity calculator available to help you order only what’s needed. 

Prepare the Area

Clear the play area of any debris, stones, or weeds. You may want to install a weed barrier fabric to prevent weed growth, which can be found in our miscellaneous section. This will ensure the longevity and low maintenance of your play bark surface.

Make a Rough Outline 

With your play bark ready for laying, simply mark the area in which this needs to be placed. During this step, think carefully about where playground equipment or furniture is to be positioned, as this will of course dictate where bark is actually required. Also, consider how bark is used for paths, so really get to grips with the logistical layout both in terms of practicality and safety. 

Check The Ground is Suitable 

Even though play bark will resist the often precarious nature of British weather, it’s recommended you lay this down in dry conditions. Have a quick glance over the ground and look for damp areas which may distort the solidity of bark once laid. If you’re happy to proceed, simply dig to your required depth and you will have created the platform you need to complete your project. 

Lay The Play Bark

Now for the main component behind your project. With careful planning implemented, this should be a breeze; just make sure bark has been laid down neatly and where possible, keep the depth consistent across the entire playground space. Lay this down roughly to begin with, and if required, use a rake to level out the play bark until you’re happy with the appearance.

Keep Things Neat & Tidy 

Play areas are likely to be used on a frequent basis by rather enthusiastic children, and that means bark will become wayward, causing the space to look a little less orderly. You can however reduce this concern by installing borders which keep bark contained within the play area. There’s a wide selection of materials you can choose from, giving you the opportunity to add even more style and purpose. 


Why Choose Play Bark? 

This aggregate happens to be softer in comparison to other bark products, making it perfect for playgrounds where children may occasionally fall. It can also deal with the endless exposure to heavy foot traffic, ensuring a safe and durable surface for games and activities. Play bark is ideal for cushioning falls and providing a natural, aesthetic appeal to play areas.

Buy Play Bark Here 

We supply a tried and trusted play bark for sale which can withstand all weather conditions and comes with non-staining qualities to ensure you get a long and prosperous finish. To learn more about this or any other aggregate products we supply, please do not hesitate to contact us directly today.

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